“Pictures, b*tch!”

[I was told after reading “… mesmerizing valley, with plants and birds I have never seen before.”  in my Dance like everybody’s watching post, my brother’s first remark was “Pictures, b*tch!”
So Alex, I dedicate this post to you.]

Yesterday, Charlie, Holly and I went to Vilcabamba to get away from Loja and spend some time together.
The town is captivating. When you arrive, all of a sudden you feel all your problems vanishing into haze, and you simply except everything around you with all its beauty.

After quickly looking around, we went for a walk next to the river nearby, during which I saw some amazing plants and insects.
The mosquitos were killing us, so we turned back after an hour and went back to the town center, where we had vanilla ice-cream… And I mean there is ice-cream and then there is this. I was told it was made fresh that morning, and I think it ruined every other ice-cream in the world for me.


Here are some more photos for you to enjoy:


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