Dance like everybody's watching…

Yesterday I went to a go-away party for Stefany (my boss’ daughter, who is around my age) for she is leaving to France soon. The party was at their house about 45 kilometers away from Loja in a mesmerizing valley, with plants and birds I have never seen before.

The guests started arriving around six in the evening and naturally the drinking started soon after that.
Around eight o’clock the dancing started and I had to realize something. My dance moves don’t work with Latin music. My moves just didn’t go well with the rhythm and the beat of the music. So I had to come up with moves on the fly, which from an outside perspective must have been hilarious. Meanwhile my brain was going “maybe this? nahhh. Or this? Ooohhh that’s nice… no, wait,... they are staring at you. Abort! Abort! Try something different! Act cool for heaven’s sake!” 

All in all, I had a great time, met some interesting people, and got some new moves to show off when I go back to Europe.



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